Is #Covid19 Fake? How Could It Possibly Be?

With the right amount of #fearmongering, #propaganda, misconstrued facts, censorship, and controlled media anything can be made to seem real or FACTUAL…

No I do not believe it’s necessarily nonsense… I do acknowledge that in past history, viruses, are typically followed with a “2nd wave” and is a very popular theme in science fiction and history.

However, I do believe the “Covid19” “Pandemic” has been greatly exaggerated by the media, I believe certain corrupt leaders in the medical world, education world, and political world have ALLOWED certain “wheels” to be greased and paved the way for widespread panic and fear.

Not everyone has benefitted from this… But MANY have!

Credit agencies, hand sanitizer companies, politicans and health organizations getting HUGE grants and stimulus packages…

And then think of all the people who never go outside anyway, the ones who’ve had turbulent domestic relationships, the individuals who have always been scared of the dirt and grim of the world, the people who sit back and judge anyone who has fun because they’re not allowed…

These “TYPES” would rather have EVERYONE be locked down and “controlled” than go back to the “normal” way of life…

Now I’ll tell a story that helps put things into perspective –

Think of all the Karen’s and Ken’s who’ve always stopped us from having fun! The people who complained about skateboarding (resulting in towns and villages literally having to spend thousands on skateparks that are barely used).

All the people who had come out at night just to give us kids a hard time in my little village… It really happened… They were so curious to see what we were doing downtown, they would come out, sit in their cars, watch us skateboard, call the cops, and then watch the cops come and arrest us for simply having a few beers (which would all be hidden by the time the RCMP arrived at 2am) , maybe a little bit of weed, and yeah a lot of us were between the ages of 16 and 19…

However, it wasn’t for our safety; nor were any of these adults and boomers concerned with the well-being of any of the youth!

I remember growing up this was a huge talking point for the village!

And it went on every summer! Even went so far as to have our perks local gazebo removed and replaced just to teach the kids a lesson. At one point the local Village supervisor was under so much stress and so much pressure from the town council about these young children in downtown…

That he was forced to come down with a chainsaw and remove crab apple trees from the parks because some of the kids were throwing them at each other around 2014 I believe.

This is all me assuming and basing my opinion off my own research and my own feelings/education.

I truly believe what I am writing right now…

I truly believe it is not just for the benefit of others, or to put on a “show”…

I promise I genuinely DO NOT care what Individuals on #Facebook groups thinks of me (unless they’re going to be in charge of hiring, firing, or educating me) nonetheless, I was asked the questions…

I’m giving MY answers.

Do with them what one will.

✌️❤️ 🇨🇦

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