The More I DEBATE With The #ProMask Lunatics – The More Threats/Intimidation I Receive

Propaganda posters that highlight how ridiculous this is – What people wear is of their own concern

A long rant and my ignorant opinion… #IMiO

It’s actually getting ridiculous and I know a lot of it’s hot air… But, nonetheless, it can get worrisome – I do have a child and regardless of how much effort I put into “home-defense”, I still worry that my child will have to witness something horrible, or I will be attacked while he is here.

I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that the locale in New Brunswick is getting offended and up in arms simply from people voicing their opinions.

The masses and the blue-collared, stiff-necked, stuck-up, hard nosed, overly liberal AND overly conservative Communities are at a breaking point #IMiO

Things are getting quite scary, I’m noticing certain work groups and unions becoming almost “militarized” in their unity.

I’m seeing people who are pro-mask become extremely aggressive and resentful towards those who are anti-mask…

I literally seen a protest for anti-masking be shamed and put down by all these, SUPPOSEDLY, fun-loving, peace-loving, freedom-loving libertarians… Well, I watched the live coverage for multiple angles as the seemingly normal everyday men and women…

The types that you would see in schools, working at a daycare, sitting behind a reception desk, doing the clinic work at the hospital, a librarian, or office worker; I don’t like to label people, but it’s not exactly like people are wearing uniforms or gang colors…

The types of people I’m seeing act exceptionally aggressive, violent, and “heated” ; are The same types who claim that they don’t give into aggression and violence…

The same types who say they do not condone that kind of behavior!

The same people who said “only cops and military should have firearms!” (#Foolish)

The same people who claim they have the best interest of our children and youth in their minds and hearts! (Lies, you’re robbing them)

Well, These same people are the ones that I have witnessed online in person and in video confronting people who are peacefully protesting and just voicing their opinions.

These people are going above and beyond to enforce the stay home don’t go to work mentality…

And I personally believe that they’re doing it because of they love the sterile, clean, controlled, and “PROTECTED” environment that they think they’re about to receive…

I feel like many of the people especially here on the East Coast have fooled themselves into thinking that the government is going to mandate this crazy forced mask rule.

I think that they put so much stock into this idea when it first came, I think they were so fearful, the day counting all their chickens before their eggs hatched… Metaphorically speaking of course.

Yes I know “they”, I keep saying “they” – by saying this I’m making a very broad and vast and I mean to!

Because I’m not speaking about a government right now, I’m not speaking about a controlling authoritarian…

I’m speaking about friends, family, neighbors, and citizens…

I’m literally seeing people who I’d never thought had a angrier mean bone in their body, lose that facade…

And they’re giving into their anger because they are not used to not having their own way.

These people who have long “called the shots”, “made the rules”, and always “had a say” that they THOUGHT “REALLY mattered”…

Well, I think these people are seeing that they’re control and their authority that they thought they had… Was really just what they were imagining, It’s nice to think that you’re the man on top, or in charge of what’s going on on your street…

But, That’s not true.

recent studies and evidence is showing that the government can literally confiscate any possession or property that a citizen deems as their own.

You could literally have the deed to your land and if the government says we need to have a highway through here and irrigation ditches and it’s for the good of the country it doesn’t matter what you say sure you can stage your protest sure you can stage a coup…

But, there’s always going to be those people that stand by the government and they just do exactly as they’re told!

wish in the past days in ancient times that was the way it is and even technically in today’s law it’s treason to not do it your government says…

However, people have really wised up to that in the last 300 years! After abolishing slavery, gaining rights, freedkms, and family ownerships, etc…

Finally removing the foot of tyranny from our throats; We the people have really became diverse and ever growing in our political mindsets/civic mindedness!

To make a long story short, it seems that everybody (and yes even myself some days) thinks they’re an expert now…

Guess sitting at home, with all of us reading, and taking in the crap that was being posted online… ACTUALLY, I quite profound effect on society as a whole.

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