Censorship and Control on #Facebook Isn’t A Laughing Matter

I intend on taking this story all the way to the big papers, I also have reason to fear for my life… I truly believe these extremists leftists are that passionate… I believe my voice, my opinion, and POV truly makes them feel “threatened”…

Well, I Called it!

I also have tons of screenshots/evidence displaying who and why I’ve been “banned” or “suspended” …

This group is ran by extremist leftists IMO and they’re desperately trying to “lockdown” our province… If this kind of behavior doesn’t concern you or you think I’m “obnoxious” or “annoying” then you’re missing the point.

This is just the beginning, if we don’t stand up to this “newage-bully” we are ALL going to witness oppression, censorship, and control first hand.

There’s MLA members in these groups, important community members, buyers, hirers, and firers!

As much as people say “it’s only Facebook, don’t take it so serious” Well, the majority of Governing and Politicking is done on Social Media now…

Before anyone walks into a town hall meeting, bylaw hearing, parliament building, or even the house of commons; they’ve usually made up their mind while scrolling news feeds on #Facebook or #Twitter the night/week prior.

Remove me if you want, make fun of me, call me annoying… But our children are being robbed of a future as these misguided “bleeding-hearts” preach “stay at home.” “Don’t go to work!” “don’t vacation!”…

They’re preaching this because they’re loving the free money, lack of responsibility, and safety of being locked down and controlled!

This is my testimony, my opinion, my belief, and how I truly feel… I’ve been getting threats, intimidation, people have doxxed me, tried to censor me, the works! And for what?

I can guarantee it’s not just because I’m “annoying” or “obnoxious”! If that was the case they’d just remove me or block me – it’s because what I say and what I stand up for threatens their dream/vision of the future!

These people who get mad about large crowds, public meetings, and people not using “proper PPE” are STEALING from future generations, OUR CHILDREN, and they’re doing their very BEST to try and make sure they “get their own way”!

Immediately after being suspended/banned an extremely large influx in responses to my posts followed! This group is orchestrating it’s community from behind the scenes… I have NEVER insulted ANYONE on Facebook in recent years! Especially, in regards to the “pandemic”!