Offensive Rant on The Terrifyingly Overdramatic/Theatrical Left and How They Brainwashed The World

Pages we don’t even follow and people we don’t even know popping up on our feeds… Censorship, Bans, and Division! Left is now “good” and right is now “bad”… Any narrow minded person who wants the easy way out and to feel good about themselves just goes left and call it a day. “Well, now I’m not racist and I’m a global activist for human rights! Anyone who doesn’t agree is a Nazi!”

Why am I seeing this? I don’t follow Marlon Wayans, I don’t even like or follow this page or know who this is?

This also isn’t a sponsored post – I’ve had a few things like this happen today and they’re all pages owned by people who’re being SUPER extra about the new president and VP.

It’s like Facebook is forcing a narrative onto people regardless of what their interests or opinions are. And then again, anyone working in Hollywood, comedy, or anything else of that nature HAS to go with the left or else they won’t get anymore deals.

Quotes such as: “The racist devil is going back to hell where he belongs.” Or “Kamala Harris is so ‘Majestic’! She is going to change the world!”, and not to mention people calling Trump racist while completely ignoring all the racist and creepy things Biden has done over the years. It’s like young, black haired Biden is viewed as a completely different person than old white haired Biden…

Trump, Biden, and whoever for VP isn’t gonna make a difference.

They’re all corrupt, heartless, rich, power hungry snobs who’ve become so bored with normal life that they want to play God with everyday citizens.

And if the rumors are true they partake in some pretty sick activities on the side. It all seems so fake and forced.

It’s so obvious that Biden and Kamala have done something very similar to what Trudeau has done… They surround themselves with transgender people, other members of the LGBTQ community, minorities, and take on as much sympathetic publicity that they can spin in their favor. Once they do this they just push that as hard as they can and bam! You not only get the people who’ve always agreed with you but all the virtue signalling sympathy votes!

It’s terrifying that people have been swayed so easily… There’s certain groups out there who to me seem like they are FORCED to like Biden and Kamala because of peer pressure, social stigmas, stereotypes, and circumstance.

I find it curious that so many members of LGBTQ communities, minorities, feminist groups, and other groups almost seem scared to have an opinion that differs from their peers. I’ve also seen a few cases where people are totally exiled and shunned from certain cliques and groups for not agreeing with the political narrative the media is pushing. I’ve watched people I know who have NEVER showed an interest in politics! I’m talking people I’ve known personally for years, people I’ve talked with on their opinions and beliefs suddenly do a 180° for no apparent reason soon as the Biden, Trump, Harris, Pence combined with Covid19 crap started. All these people conforming to whatever the leader of their FB pages, talk groups, or co-workers are saying because they’re scared of how they might look.

Not many stand up for what they truly believe in anymore! It’s not always as easy as black vs white, good vs bad, rich vs poor, hot vs cold… Sometimes there’s much more to it than that, but people don’t want to think about it that much so they just listen to the sheep and read the memes.

People take information in tiny little snippets and don’t actually read or research; this combined with the way things are censored and the media being controlled almost completely by the left… Well, it makes it quite easy to program the masses and common sense/free thinkers have been a dying breed for some time now.

Thanks for reading,



2021? Happy New Year or Happy New World Order?

Well, we’ve more or less made it through our first hour in #2021 and yet I still can’t decide whether or not the number that is scrawled on the top of our yearly calendars will make a difference in relation to how the next 364 days and 365 nights will treat us? In my personal opinion… I really don’t think it’s going to make a bit of difference to all the corruption and radicalized thinking what year it is! I truly believe that the whole: “things will be better tomorrow” line/way of thinking is simply a pacifier for those who didn’t get the motto “always today, never tomorrow!” *Drilled* into their head in middle school/junior high.

It’s usually the same types of folk who ALWAYS make lame new “New Years Resolution” (full well knowing they have little to no intentions of actually following through) it’s typically something “life changing”, and most times it’s something they’ve told EVERYONE about 20+ times… And the worst part of all this is, most of these over hyped “resolutions” never survive more than 1-3 days into the new year!

However, the tone here is starting to get quite negative and I’m not putting much faith in my fellow human beings! The world does work in mysterious ways… So, who knows? Maybe all the crooked politician’s, Tyrannical Authoritarians, Corrupt Corpo D-Bags, and all our fellow citizens; who’ve been blindly spreading and following this cycle of fear, division, and misinformation will ALL have a change of heart and a new years resolution that will either dampen or completely stop the exaggerated projections, everything that has been going on!

Could it possibly be like so many believe? Or is the opinion things will change because a number rolls over nothing but a meme? Was 2020 simply cursed or something of the sort? As much as many want to believe that this is the end of all the troubles we’ve had lately (most of which were related to the pandemic itself) I’m sure nobody can tell us if the year 2021 will INFACT be ANY better, different, or heaven help us… ANY worse!

I’m still wondering whether we’ll get to see or live through any of the interesting theories we’ve all more than likely heard throughout 2020..? Ya know, the theories we are supposed to either die from or use as a means to usher in the new modern post apocalyptic world (that so many “claim” they’d ACTUALLY want to experience)… I was so curious on whether it would be Tyrannically Enforced/Violent Martial Law, Aliens, Plague, Biblical Apocalypse, Rapture, Global Thermal Nuclear War, etc… However, I was mostly all-in on the Murder Hornets and after that didn’t go as planned I was pretty bummed out. Regardless, there’s any amount of the many other horrible theories/conspiracies we’ve heard of lately.

And since NOBODY can tell us any of this information for certain; all anyone can do is speculate what is or isn’t going to come next. We should all be happy and be at peace knowing that what’s going to happen, will happen, and we should all do our best to live each day like it could be our last! The end of one’s life could take place in the next second, today, tomorrow, or even 100+ years from now!

Amidst all the speculation, worry, satire, selflessness, selfishness, authoritarianism, tyrannical governments, callous employers, power happy police, greedy landlords and rule makers we have had an overabundance of information being forced into our brains non-stop.

This overabundance of information which is typically negative and depressing seems to be designed to tear us down… Little by little, bit by bit, and even if you don’t want to give into it; sometimes it’s impossible to get away from all the BS.

So, I say we all let 2020 fade into history like any other year and instead of wondering if this year will be better or worse… Let’s just take it day-to-day and do our best to respect, love, and appreciate ourselves and those in our lives who deserve that same type of treatment.

Either way we’re here now, in this moment, and we ALL survived and some even flourished throughout what many are calling the “worst” year in history… Many times I even heard the unthinkable, something I never thought I would hear in my lifetime, and that was many people going as far, as to say things such as “2020 was worse than WW1 and WW2”, “Covid19 is worse than any other viral outbreak.”, or any other great sickness/plague including the “Black Plague”!

Whatever the reality and truth of this mess is… Whether you believe there’s a serious threat or not, it doesn’t hurt us each to keep an open mind, and to show respect and sympathy towards our fellow human beings! Because we never know what someone else is going through in that moment, in their head, or what they go through on the daily.

That being said my condolences to anyone who has lost loved ones, anyone who has suffered extreme financial loss to the point of not being able survive, live, and/or live their normal, reasonable lifestyle! And my sympathies and condolences go out especially to those who’ve fallen victim to all of the above. Keep that chin up, have faith in those around you! The best advice I can give is live for the moment and don’t try and do more than you’re capable of when trying to get back up on that horse.

Whether 2020 and COVID19 was or wasn’t the worst catastrophic event in the ENTIRE history of mankind… Whether people want to believe it, whether it’s true, false, unproven, exaggerated, plausible, or simply a farce in which most have been fooled into believing, or actually is the worst catastrophic event we have/will ever experience! It seems to me that at this moment we’re doing just fine, 99.1% of us are here, happy, healthy, and ringing in yet another New Year!





Thanks to everyone for stopping by!

P.s. My apologies to everyone for going AWOL for so long (especially to those who noticed my absence and were kind enough to Msg about my well-being) I’m not calling it a “New Years Resolution”, but I do plan on posting at least twice a week from now on!

EhMaritimeSecret ✌️❤️🇨🇦

Apparently It’s Okay To Ransack Your Tenants House in Newbrunswick

I guess once you give someone notice you don’t need to worry about or respect their property or space… This is getting ridiculous!

Recently the homeowners where we rent renovated the whole basement and removed an abundance of mold which I was unaware we were living over and only know of now because I seen it, smelled it, and overheard the landlords wife yelling at him while they were working down there saying “this is a complete mess and disgrace, someone could get sick”.

After they finished that project they installed new stuff in all the units around us… Took out the old baseboard heaters which are no longer to code, removed old wiring, replaced drywall, and added firewalls.
Then they cleaned the yard and cut low hanging branches and took a massive puddle out of the driveway which was horrible.

So, all the units they were working on have people they know living in them and they’re barely here. Easy for them to access and work whenever they want. Also, nobody in those units to report on the shady shit that is going on.

Yesterday, I finally seen the landlord man to man and he gave me the same BS reason I explained in the pictures below and added this “there’s damage to all the door casings from your mother’s wheelchair.” Which is something we told him would happen before we were moving in and he said it’s no problem and they’re already damaged a bit from a previous tenant. When in reality I’ve been reading in the news constantly that rent prices are on the rise and after witnessing him scrambling to do all that work I have a feeling an inspector is coming to approve the property for rental or something of that nature.

Recently, I helped the landlord unload stuff from his trailer, install the windows, and lug brush/scrap wood and they never mentioned the possibility of us being evicted soon. He’s been inside the house before and was always aware we were using that backroom for storage.

I have all the pictures I took of the place from when we first moved in and how their was cobwebs still hanging from the ceilings and fans, the stove and oven was not even cleaned, fridge stunk, and the apartment was advertised with a washer and dryer inside. When we moved in there was a washer and dryer.
He told my mom that I could hook it up, so I tried… First I had to go new hoses because they wouldn’t attach or reach, cut the holes, and found the drain.

Then I go to plug it in, it has a 220 power supply/cord, and the apartment doesn’t even have an outlet for it. The landlord tried to act like I was retarded for not hooking up the washer/ dryer the whole time and then when was told there isn’t even an outlet just laughed and never did anything about it. Once again my mother is in a wheelchair and she NEEDS to be able to do laundry in her place of residence, not to mention that’s what was advertised.

I guess the point I’m trying to make is… If a landlord is going to be this nit-picky in an effort to evict people then you’d think they had rented you a pristine and perfectly ran apartment which this place is FAR from that…

If I had have just been told straight up what was going on I wouldn’t even be mad, but after being treated like an idiot the whole time I live here, being walked over, and having people come in and out of your apartment whenever they want and get mad about how you utilize the space… as they literally leave a huge mess and move ALL your stuff without putting it back – well needless to say nobody wants to live like that.

I have a few theories as to what’s going on.

1: There’s big amount of work that needs done here to be approved/up to code and it’s been illegal for him to be renting this unit to us in it’s current state. So, in order to get in on that phat rent increase he’s gonna have to do quite a bit of remodeling.

2: He has family, friends, or someone else who wants to rent this unit for the winter months.

3: We’re the only anglophones that live on the property and they’re the elitist french type and are rich snobs who think they’re better than us and dude is pissed off that I wouldn’t take the garbage out of the garbage

4: Rent prices are going up across the board and he’s doing the same thing many other landlords are doing. The only reason he is evicting us and not other other folks is because he is related to them.

Anyone who knows the actual laws/rules about this type of thing can email or comment on here, thanks for reading.



Landlords or Scamlords?

Myself and many other Maritimers are finding themselves in a very stressful situation! With rent increasing and vacancies decreasing landlords are increasing rent and doing mass evictions… Only my landlord didn’t give us an option or warning and I can only assume discriminating against me and mine for being Anglophone.

Been watching my landlord install new appliances, painting, cabinets, and windows in the 2 other units around us, did a demo/reno in the basement over the last 2 weeks (he even asked and received my help with installing the windows last weekend)… Then he had someone install the windows in our place, immediately afterwards we got a notice to vacate after never having any issues, was never told we did anything wrong, and never had any complaints against us.

We were actually told “the guy I had working inside your apartment (while we were away) noticed the baseboard heater in the backroom was left on and it was being used for storage with stuff in front of the heater. This along with OTHER issues is the reason for eviction” – nobody had been home in 3 days and the room they were saying the heater was on in hasn’t been used since the summer and I’m positive the heat was not on in there.

Got in the car on the way to work this morning after getting the news and I’m listening to people tell stories about mass evictions and rent increases all around the greater Moncton area.

Rent was $875 a month heat/lights included so it’s a very good deal despite the internet speeds being messed up and not having fibre op available. This in my mind justifies the cheaper rent. However, I would have even been willing to pay a little bit more.

Seems to me that there is an ulterior motive to evicting us. My mother is 70 years old and is confined to a wheelchair, I’m a father who works Monday to Friday and has his 3 y/o son all weekend, and I see the landlord and his family on the regular as one of his children who is my age lives next door. He also resides up the road and is constantly going work on different projects in the yard and around the house.

Never once has there ever been mention of the possibility of eviction this winter only a month before Christmas and immediately after the first snowfall. This is a very trying time of the year for so many people and I’m not able to get the government funding like everyone else seems to easily get.

Needless to say I’m totally stressing out and worrying about getting a new place that is suitable for myself, my young son, and my handicap mother to live before the bad weather really sets in and before this possibly effects my relationship with my child and/or my mother’s mental/physical wellbeing.

No idea as to why it happened I can only think it’s because I’m surrounded on all sides by Francophones and seeing the last 2 tenants who’ve moved in be Francophone has me wondering if my family and I are being stereotyped against, among many other worries… I cannot for the life of me figure out how 4 days ago I’m helping install windows, assisting in loading new appliances, and then immediately after I find employment I’m evicted, with zero warning and seemingly zero issues.

Thanks and best wishes to you all during these trying times!



Media Outlets Should Stop Manufacturing Division

How the heck is this news?

I have friends, family, and I myself have attacked, beaten, and once even shit at for little to no reason…

How can this be labelled as an act of “Hate” without even having a suspect, no interviews, and nobody is even pursuing charges? Not to mention this taking place in Cape Breton of all place… One of the friendliest places on earth!

The police report even says “minor injuries”, “no need for medical.”, and “nobody is pursuing charges”…

So how does it get all the way back to the University and the heads of the school? Then Mr. Singh from the University this young man attends is offering help and support and the young fellow doesn’t even seem to be looking for any.

It’s almost like they WANT there to be issues like this, so they can use them for clout, credit, and advance their own careers in the public & professional eye.

Believe it or not, there’s people out there looking for any excuse to have an altercation or “fight” (that’s no excuse), but you always have to be vigilant.

Smokes and a fight between young men in a grocery store parking lot does not constitute “Breaking News”, nor should it concern ANYONE about racism, safety, and it certainly doesn’t portray an image of “international” students being targeted with “hate crimes”…

I see this stuff all day long in my cities downtown areas and it’s pretty damn small! There’s a few places in every town that you can hang around in ANY day and you’re bound to see stuff like this. Especially around universities and places with lots of youth and street level crime.

Now with all the hype surrounding BLM, the Democrats whole campaign being based on anti-hate, and the amount of activism lately people are quite literally creating issues where and when ever they can.
Yes, it’s sad this young man was attacked for “bumming cigarettes”, it never should have happened, but I’m sure there is more to the story and the person he asked was probably cracked out and just looking
for trouble.

Just like white people, people of color are going to be attacked and involved in situations like this. That doesn’t mean it’s racism, a hate crime, or anything else of that nature… Unless there’s evidence or someone claims it as a “hate crime” – often times racist people/goups LOVE to claim their crimes and attacks.

Reporting and journalism of this nature does nothing, but drive a wedge between communities and creates a divisiveness that many can’t help to notice… Everyone around is blaming, accusing, and linking EVERYTHING to racism and it’s making them money, getting them views, likes, assisting content creation, and giving a narrative that folks can speak on endlessly!

This kind of narrative is GOLD to media, politicans, and social activists… Especially, the ones who run charities and pocket some of the income.

Yes, racism does exist.

No, there is not as much racism as the media would have you believe.




Pierre Poilievre Is Still Fighting The Good Fight on Exposing The WE Charity/Trudeau Scandal

If it wasn’t for Mr. Poilievre they more than likely would have this scrubbed clean already!

Anyone living in Canada and most of the world is more than likely aware of the WE charity/Trudeau scandal by now, it’s no secret that something is up. This ordeal has been going on for about as long as the Coronavirus pandemic and it seems to me if it wasn’t for Pierre Poilievre and the handful of other politicans, small media outlets, private content creators, and other miscellaneous sources; this issue would be EASILY swept away and under the rug.

It’s unimaginable to see such an OBVIOUS abuse of power and position at this level of government, especially from someone raised and groomed to one day become the PM of Canada. Someone who is constantly advocating humanitarian activism, women’s rights, racial equality, and any other highly politicized topic that makes him and his government seem like they’re brave white knights, riding to the rescue of anyone who has been wronged by the many forms of social or systemic injustice.

I agree, we ALL agree there’s problems with inequality and injustice in society. All different sorts of inequality and injustices, against all types of people, from every group, every race, every class. And all those issues need to be and are being addressed everyday by hundreds of organizations and thousands of people daily.

It should be SO OBVIOUS that many of these issues, despite being real, are often brought up to distract. When the whole house is discussing one thing and Trudeau and his government try and change the subject to something that tugs at the heartstrings, even when being asked about something different. People should be smarter, but no… If any SJWing is brought up the whole left simply nods, agrees, and yells “heck yeah!” – nobody EVER stops to question if it’s an appropriate time to be bringing these issues up or even why they’re being brought up at this time.

That’s Trudeau’s game… It doesn’t matter what the topic of discussion is, he will bring up something totally irrelevant or start talking in circles about “coming together” or “being strong” and it’s just generalized garbage. It’s like astrology readings, fortune telling, working sales, or being an actor – IMO

Our prime minister has only been questioned by a small portion of his fellow politicians and often times when there’s confrontation in the house you can hear nervous laughter, see unprofessional body language/gestures, and many times the audio and video has been cut to disguise the immaturity coming from MPs and representatives who’re supposed to be acting with the highest level of professionalism and respect for themselves, each other, and our country.

This circus the prime minister has created gives rise to great suspicion about what it is that he is hiding? First we had the WE-Scandal, then we had the WE-Coverup, then the WE-Prorogation… And then today inorder to try and cover it all up again we had his THREAT of a “WElection”? The last thing we need right now is a WElection! We need focus on the Pandemic! That’s a major Canadian scandal… Let me speak directly to him when I say this; conservatives will not relent when it comes to this scandal… He can threaten, he can bully, he can shut things down, but at the end of the day we will continue to do our jobs and expose the truth.

Pierre Poilievre

Damn straight Pierre!

It’s absurd to see this type of behavior and negligence from our leaders… It’s terrifying to be honest. I mean these kind of things should be easy to put to rest now in an age with such easy access to and an abundance of information!

If there is nothing to hide it would and should be easy for the liberal government to discredit the “claims” against them and prove their innocence… Explain what really went on with the WE organization.

Give Canadians the truth! It is obvious that something is amiss. Good job to Mr. Pierre- Poilievre, I can only imagine how frustrating it would be for him repeating the same line of questioning time and time again only to be given dullard responses and shown a dazzling display of leftist rhetoric… It’s actually nauseating to watch!

So, thanks Pierre! Keeop fighting the good fight!

If you folks reading this have time, go onto your Facebook, start to make a most, type #Trudeau into your text and view the top trending automatically generated results. Go view ANY video, article, news, anything and look for yourself if it has more likes or dislikes… Go look at the comment threads on EVERY link/post on the liberal government and our prime minister and see what the Canadian citizwna REALLY have to say when not put through the filter of social media censoring and the “lame” stream media.

You’ll notice that it’s nearly impossible to find ANYONE who is actually happy about the way things are being done…




Police Answer a Domestic – Then Force Entry Without Permission and Seize $75,000

Police in Vancouver seize a woman’s life savings and because her BF has a “history” it is called drug money.

Police busted into her house to arrest her BF, but she didn’t tell them to “go in there”. Then $75,110 goes missing from a hiding spot in the babies nursery and police claim it to be the proceeds of crime.
Mostly large bills that tested positive for cocaine residue. Let’s be honest though, most bills have all sorts of drug residue on them and from personal experience cocaine users prefer to use a large bills when they can as it’s seen to be “cleaner” and sometimes in drug/street culture as dumb as it sounds, it’s viewed as a status symbol.

In the article it says “VPD arrested her “erratic” boyfriend and in the headline says it was a “domestic dispute”, however the article said that the woman said she did NOT give the police permission to go/force themselves into the house.

It’s a very confusing situation because once you call the police for assistance in a domestic issue they’re obviously going to do something like this, but they searched her house for seven hours afterwards and refused to let her back inside.

There’s no way to prove that money was indeed the proceeds of crime and not in fact her life savings as is claimed…

In my mind the police should give the money back, that’s how the law is supposed to work. They’re each their own Individual person and one if the alleged “drug dealer” isn’t claiming the money, then the money is her’s.

Maybe it is her life savings like she claims?

Maybe she squirreled what she could away for year’s! Just to secure her’s and her children’s future incase anything bad ever happened and she was left to care for them alone.

Could some of the money have came from drugs? Once again that’s their word against hers, it’s not fair to assume that’s how all that money was made.

It seems more and more the police and authorities can do whatever they want to “Protect” the public. $75k isn’t going to be a great threat to the public if it is left “on the streets” (as the police like to call it) even if it was in the hands of dangerous criminals, I doubt that money would result in harming or affecting one innocent civilian or anyone else for that matter.

Let the woman have the money and get on with it. I truly don’t see this as a justified seizure of property and it really makes one worry/wonder…
What’s to stop the authorities from just doing this to anyone, at anytime, and anyplace as a way of making some extra money or just screwing someone over?

I mean nothing other than the trust we put into different agencies and groups within the established world. There’s literally nothing stopping that power from being abused and in reality the police could just claim any stack of cash they come across as “proceeds of crime”. Not to mention there is NO ONE to look into crimes done by police besides, well, other police…

This isn’t even the RCMP, it’s the city police the Vancouver Police Department (VPD)

The whole concept of internal investigation seems proposterous and unrealistic in my mind, always has, always will.

This case seems fishy to me and I’ll be following along to see the results and anymore information that is released to the public.

Even though I doubt there will be anymore.




Trump Donates $13 Billion And Leftist Media Still Manage To Add Liberal Amounts of Negative Spin

Dude can’t even make a massive humanitarian donation without the media and Sheeple putting a negative spin on it. What makes his political rivals any better?

Sitting there twisting his words and blaming him for hurricane deaths and trying so hard to make it seem like he’s down on Puerto Ricans or some BS… The way global and other leftist media outlets write their headlines grosses me out and the way people believe it is even worse.

The dudes party is choosing to donate money right after a huge economic crisis…

I just cannot fathom how ANYONE could chalk that up into something bad! Let’s say for arguments sake that it is ALL a political ploy or an act… It’s still humanitarian aid and it’s still going to help that country and hundreds of communities!

It amazes me how this is made into something negative by people saying crap like “iT’s tOo LaTe oRaNgEmAn” “you said the death toll was exaggerated” …

Insane! Absolutely insane and there’s no way any of his political rivals are donating anything close to $13 billion and you’d never see white house administration under Joe Biden doing something like this – instead they’d probably do some charity and steal 50% of it  🤷‍♂️

This is ridiculous and it’s absurd to see how hard Global news is on Donald Trump and any rightwing politicans. I honestly think they spend more time trashing the right than even running positive stories on the left.

There must be good money in smearing right wing politics because I can’t see any other rhyme or reason to the nonstop bombardment.

I mean… What other stock could a Canadian media company have in the upcoming American election, there’s gotta be some kind of value besides general interest in them constantly running negative stories on Trump and US politics in general.




Halloween Will More Than Likely Be The Next Target of #CancelCulture

Recently made this FB status in regards to addressing #CancelCulture and how I feel we should start campaigning to “save” Halloween even though it hasn’t been cancelled… YET!      💀🦴☠️


Friends of mine made different suggestions and some of the ideas were quite humorous, others were downright “proposterous”, but none of them can or ever could replace good ole Halloween in my mind

I say we stick to the traditional Halloween, The one we’ve always known with all of its quirks, quarks, and traditions left just how they are.

In almost any autobiographical or biographical accounting of one’s life (anyone who grew up celebrating halloween) specifically in yheir younger years and growing up, there will more than likely be fond memories of Halloween antics mentioned at least once.

I have dozens of Halloween stories that my friends and I share often, from many’a hallows eve adventures, and 81.666% of those memories/stories are wholesome, innocent, and character building!

There’s certain things that have a special kind of excitment in our younger years; Christmas Eve/Morning is great and magical for most of us fortunate enough to grow up blessed. Thanksgiving and Birthdays are memorable, fun, and they do make one feel special, sure…

But, there’s just something special about Halloween… I don’t know if it’s because you’re often granted a special amount of freedom from your parents and family to go out and

Halloween night out trick-or-treating with your friends, is one of these things. being between the ages of 12-17 and getting caught up in the excitement surrounding and leading up to Halloween is contagious in the best way possible! The very atmosphere and spirit around

Having to defend your candy from being stolen by the older “kids”, eggings/being egged,

I know Halloween holds a very special and dear place in my heart and in the heart of many of my peer’s. It’s a long standing tradition and one that’s embedded deeply into our culture with tons of historical, factual, and mythical lore behind it.

It’s something I want my son, nieces, nephews, and all children in Canada to have the chance to experience. And they should have the freedom to experience how it’s meant to be!

Spooky, fun, alrighty dangerous, and full of great memories!

#IMiO of course 🙏

Thanks, stay spooky!



Texas Student Shares School Assignment On Their PERSONAL Heroes – Immediately Sparks Outrage

So global is reporting on what kids in Texas do their essays on now?

I bet they can find a lot more messed up content than that in children’s / highschool (even college) writing. I simply view Kyle Rittenhouse as a young man who got involved in a shit storm and anyone who wants to view him “as a hero” has the right to… Whether we agree or not!

Everyone who was out causing trouble that night put themselves in danger – any adult that was in that parking lot and on that street that night knew the dangers and accepted responsibilities.

Like come on! Mainstream media needs to stop kicking a dead horse, they aren’t going to get any different reaction. Gonna need some new material…

Switching back and forth between Floyd, Rittenhouse, and the nut with the knife isn’t doing it.

They’ve barely ran a story on those 2 LA cops that got shot in the face yet? Maybe they can find a way to make them the bad guys, while they were sitting around doing nothing, but eating donuts and listening to the radio.

I find it absolutely ridiculous…

A kid shares his class assignment and beliefs online and is targeted by other students and their parents? Watch the next thing we wi hear about this is some kind of leftist BS white hate smear campaign and the kid and his whole family will magically come out as “racists” and long standing members of the KKK or something… Maybe they’ll find a “noose” in his locker. 🙄

What’s to stop the discrimination coming towards this student now? Before it was one students opinion and belief against another’s… Which is a way of learning and educating amongst peers in a normal school setting.

Now that parents and the faculty of the school have sided with the “Snowflakes” and sensitive parents it opens the door for the child who wrote the assignment to be labelled as “Wrong” or “Racist” when in reality all they did was share their opinion and beliefs on who their heroes are.

The student either really means what they wrote or they just wrote it as a gimmick to enrage others around them (which I wouldn’t doubt I today’s world) it makes perfect sense to try and get some attention that way with everything that is going on in the news and online

We should all be allowed to lay claim to whoever we want as our “personal” heroes, even if they do seem to prickle the tempers of others around us… It’s up to this child’s parents to police and address anything they seem right or wrong – just because an essay was shared online doesn’t mean it can be #Cancelled

Then again, that seems to be precisely the way our lives are going… It seems that it only takes a small percentage of loud, obnoxious, and fragile people to get upset and completely shutdown or cancel something someone else has created or simply believes in.

I’m sure there are better people and more appropriate people for a highschool student to label as their Hero… But, there was other names on the list, men whom are far above the status of Kyle Rittenhouse, Kyle is just normal citizen who has all that negative attention in the media.

Obviously, this is an attention grab and a shocking statement this student wanted to make and it worked.

It’s just weird that adults and Canadian media outlets and using it for their leftist white hate narrative.


